- Father John P. Tabb Served the Confederacy Aboard Blockade Runners
- Fear in the Heart of North Carolina
- Fighting Words: The Civil War's linguistic heritage.
- First Thunder At Shiloh
- The Floating Battery was Revived by Confederates
- Florida's Yankee Paradise
- Fort Pillow: Massacre or Madness?
- Frederick Stowe in the Shadow of Uncle Tom's Cabin
- From the Rhineland to the Red River
- Front Royal: Key to the Valley
- A Gallant Rush For Glory
- Grant's Lifelong Struggle with Alcohol
- The Great Snowball Battle
- Greybeards in Blue
- Grierson's Brilliant Cavalry Exploits
- Hancock's 'Well Conducted Fizzle'
- The Hard-Fighting 44th Georgia
- Heroine or Hoaxer?
- The High Ground
- High Seas Brouhaha
- 'Home, Sweet Home'
- Homecoming: Henry J. Walker
- Horsepower Moves the Guns
- The Humble Undertaker
- In Present-Day Brooklyn, a Faint Echo of the Civil War
- Iroquois Chief & Union Officer Ely Parker
- Interactive Portrait of an Era
- J.E.B. Stuart: Gettysburg Scapegoat?
- Judson Kilpatrick