Portal Militar 
Equipos de Combate, Tecnologia, Protagonistas, Guerras 



  • The McClellan Society's George B. McClellan Pages - All and everything about Major General George B. McClellan, commander of Union armies in the American Civil War and later governor of New Jersey. Book reviews, statistics, controversies, etc
  • The American Civil War 1861-1865 - A fun and informative site about the civil war.With Facts and Figures on Armies,Troops,Generals,Casualties, Society,Battles,also day by day and year by year happenings of the war, and Letters the men wrote themselves. 
  • Antietem National Battlefield  - A great site covering Antietem, including battlefield information, events, photos, and more. 
  • The Battle of Gettysburg Homepage  - This is the best, most well-organized page on Gettysburg that I have seen. Covering the Battle of Chancellorsville, Brandy Station and the entire three-day struggle at Gettysburg, this site aids the reader with impressive detailed maps. This surely belongs in the top five. 
  • American Civil War Homepage -  This is another great site for doing research getting either general or specific information on the Civil War.
  • Causes Of The Civil War    This page is awesome! If anyone thinks that it's easy to sum up the causes of the Civil War in a few sentences, you need to go to this site. This comprehensive look into what led to this conflict includes links to: Party platforms, secession documents, compromise proposals, political speeches, editorials, and much more.
  • The United States Civil War Center at LSU -  This site is one of the best that I have found thus far. It takes a comprehensive look at the Civil War and provides hundreds of links to various sites on the net. You can even look up burial places for specific regiments and soldiers! 
  • This Week In The Civil War  The title of this site says it all. This presents an impressive account in the War in conjunction with the week we are currently in. 
  • Air War Over Virginia 
  • All-Girl Rhea County Spartans 
  • "An Awful Affair" 
  • Attack Written Deep and Crimson 
  • Battle for the Bluegrass 
  • Betrayal At Ebenezer Creek 
  • Bitter Bushwhackers and Jayhawkers 
  • Blind Justice 
  • Bloody Fight in Vain 
  • Boys in the Bag 
  • Brilliant Cavalry Exploit 
  • A Buckeye Warrior at Atlanta's Gates
  • The Lightning Brigade Saves the Day 
  • Literal Hill of Death 
  • Loyal To The Last 
  • Loyal To The Last, Part II 
  • Maine's Greatest Civil War Hero 
  • A Man of Two Trades 
  • Man on a Black Horse 
  • Mantled in Fire and Smoke 
  • Meagher of the Sword 
  • Mission to Relieve Fort Sumter 
  • The Burning of Columbia 
  • A California Soldier Writes Home 
  • Camp Penn's Black Soldiers in Blue 
  • Can We Ever Raise the Monitor? 
  • Captain Sally 
  • Carnage in a Cornfield 
  • The Chance Battle in the Wilderness 
  • Civil War Railroads 
  • A City Saved 
  • Christmas in the Civil War 
  • The Colonel Was A Con Man 
  • The Dahlgren Papers Revisited 
  • Damn These Torpedoes, Too! 
  • David and Goliath 
  • Day One at Chancellorsville 
  • Death and Life of Stonewall Jackson 
  • The Deceptive Doctor 
  • Decks Covered With Blood 
  • Dedicated Massachusetts Abolitionist Silas Soule 
  • Desperate Stand at Chickamauga 
  • The Keystone of Little Round Top 
  • Key to a Mystery 
  • Kill-Cavalry 
  • Kill Cavalry's Nasty Surprise 
  • The Land of Lincoln 
  • Last Capital of the Confederacy 
  • Last Days of the Civil War 
  • Last-Ditch Stand at Petersburg 
  • Lee's Missed Opportunities at Gettysburg 
  • Lee's Struggle in the Wilderness 
  • Devil Dan Sickles' Deadly Salients 
  • Devil's Own Day 
  • Did 'Baldy' Ewell Lose Gettysburg? 
  • Disaster at Dove Creek 
  • The Disaster of Casey 
  • Dispatch from Antietam 
  • Drones in the Great Hive 
  • Drop Poison Gas from a Balloon 
  • Grant's Ignoble Act 
  • Eighteen-year-old Sergeant Milton Humphreys' Concept of Indirect Fire 
  • An Englishman's Journey Through the Confederacy 
  • Ewell Seizes the Day at WINCHESTER 
  • Eyewitness to War 
  • Eyewitness to War 
  • Eyewitness to War: Allen Rice 
  • Eyewitness: Dispatch From Antietam 
  • Eyewitness: Stonewall Jackson's Final Days 
  • Eyewitness to Surrender at Appomattox 
  • The Fall of a Confederate Commander 
  • The Fall of Vicksburg 
  • Fear in the Heart of North Carolina 
  • Fighting Words: The Civil War's linguistic heritage. 
  • First Thunder At Shiloh 
  • The Floating Battery was Revived by Confederates 
  • Florida's Yankee Paradise 
  • Fort Pillow: Massacre or Madness? 
  • Frederick Stowe in the Shadow of Uncle Tom's Cabin 
  • From the Rhineland to the Red River 
  • Front Royal: Key to the Valley 
  • A Gallant Rush For Glory 
  • Grant's Lifelong Struggle with Alcohol 
  • The Great Snowball Battle 
  • Greybeards in Blue 
  • Grierson's Brilliant Cavalry Exploits 
  • Hancock's 'Well Conducted Fizzle' 
  • The Hard-Fighting 44th Georgia 
  • Heroine or Hoaxer? 
  • The High Ground 
  • High Seas Brouhaha 
  • 'Home, Sweet Home' 
  • Homecoming: Henry J. Walker 
  • Horsepower Moves the Guns 
  • The Humble Undertaker 
  • In Present-Day Brooklyn, a Faint Echo of the Civil War 
  • Iroquois Chief & Union Officer Ely Parker 
  • Interactive Portrait of an Era 
  • J.E.B. Stuart: Gettysburg Scapegoat? 
  • Judson Kilpatrick 
  • To "Mold the Judgment of History" 
  • More on "Raw Courage" 
  • Morgan's Last Battle 
  • Munfordville, Kentucky's Civil War Heritage 
  • The Myth of the 5 Dead Rebel Generals 
  • The New Bern Raid 
  • "Never Were Men So Brave" 
  • New York City Draft Riots 
  • No Draft! 
  • The North's Unsung Sisters of Mercy 
  • Nothing but Glory Gained 
  • Nurse Pember and the Wiskey War 
  • Odds of War 
  • On the Road Again: Romanzo Mortimer Buck 
  • Out of a Frozen Hell 
  • Out of a Frozen Hell - Part 2 
  • Ordnance: The Athens Double-Barreled Cannon 
  • Peace on Earth - But not in Vicksburg 
  • The Photographer of the Confederacy 
  • Pope's Escape from Clark's Mountain 
  • Pounding Port Hudson 
  • Prelude to a Duel 
  • The Proving Ground 
  • Quantrill's Last Ride 
  • Rebel Stand at Drewry's Bluff 
  • The Rebels Are Coming! 
  • Return to the Killing Ground 
  • Robert E. Lee on Black Confederate Troops 
  • Ruthless Rufus 
  • Save The Constitution 
  • The Savior of Cincinnati 
  • Slavery and a House Divided 
  • Soldier of Misfortune 
  • South's Feuding Generals 
  • The Sperryville Outrage 
  • Stonewall's 11th-Hour Rally 
  • Stonewall's Forgotten Masterpiece 
  • Stonewall's Only Defeat 
  • Stuart's Revenge 
  • Taking of Burnside Bridge 
  • Tall Tales of the Civil War 
  • They Paid To Enter Libby Prison 
  • A Town Embattled 
  • A Tour of 'Mosby's Confederacy' 
  • A Tragic Postscript 
  • Travelers to Wartime Richmond 
  • Union General George Stannard 
  • Valley of the Shadow 
  • Voices From the Stands 
  • War's Last Cavalry Raid 
  • Warriors for the Union 
  • Wheat's Tigers: Confederate Zouaves at First Manassas 
  • When Confederate General Samuel Garland Fell 
  • Why the South Lost the Civil War 
  • The Widow-Makers 
  • Wintry Fury Unleashed 
  • Women's Revolt in Rowan County 
  • Yankee in Gray 
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Diseño de pagina @ Derechos Reservados 1998-2002
Fecha de actualizacion: Enero 2002